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Permission Form

We're so excited to capture the joy and energy of your child for our marketing materials! To make sure we can use amazing photos, we kindly ask for a signed permission form from their parent or legal guardian. This, we can ensure that we have the legal to use the images and protect the privacy of your little one. Thank you so much for your cooperation.

Please be aware that either you or your child will be entitled to withdraw your consent to this use at any time. In such case I will cease making any new marketing materials using the image(s) and take such reasonable steps as I am / we are able to remove online images from public view: however, please note it may not be possible to delete or destroy all images that have been disseminated online (such as via social media) or in hard copy.

I / we wish to use certain appropriate and good-quality image(s) of your child for the purposes of promoting my business as an LTA accredited tennis coach. This use is likely to include the following choose only those that apply and delete all others: • On my website. • In social media posts such as on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram • Via online and hard copy marketing materials, such as emails, brochures and flyers.
By signing this form, I confirm the following:

Thanks for submitting!

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